David Nilsson and Terje Oestigaard published an articel at NAI Forum on Nov 15:
“Scandinavia in the ‘Scramble for Africa’ – Then and Now”
Pls see link below
David Nilsson and Terje Oestigaard published an articel at NAI Forum on Nov 15:
“Scandinavia in the ‘Scramble for Africa’ – Then and Now”
Pls see link below
David Nilsson writes about the history and future of the MDGs at Swedish Water House:
David Nilsson published a new scientific paper in Current African Issues, September 2013:
“Sweden-Norway at the Berlin Conference 1884–85: History, national identity-making and Sweden’s relations with Africa”
Can be downloaded from:
David Nilsson writes on Swedish Water House blog:
New Article by David Nilsson on Nordic Africa Institute Forum, discussing the 2013 elections and democracy in Kenya in a historic perspective. Please click on link below.
David Nilsson wrtites on SIWI’s newsservice NewsStream 29 January, about what the water crisis implies for an urbanising world. Pls click link below.
The “Water Supply Crisis and the Cities”. A drama review.
The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) in November 2012 granted more than 5 MSEK to a new research project at the Royal Institute of Technology, with the title:
“Sweden and the Origins of Global Resource Colonialism: Exploring a Small Country’s Natural Resource Interests in Africa, Caucasia and the Arctic, 1870-1930″.
The project will be carried out by a team of researchers at the Division for Historical Studies, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, where Dr. David Nilsson will also be included. Pls also visit KTH division-pages:
Starting November 2012, David Nilsson is part of the editorial team of the webpublication “NewsStream”, by Stockholm International Water Institute and Swedish Water House. A first article in the NewsStream was published on November 20:
Realising human rights to water and sanitation for the Urban Poor: Can new MDG indicators help?
David Nilsson wrote on the news and debate website on October 18:
Article on Newsmill (in Swedish) about water, sanitation and development
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Please feel free to explore and to get in touch!
David Nilsson