The Sida Helpdesk for Environment and Climate Change has published a new report commissioned by Sida and the Swedish Embassy in Ouagadougou, on the state of Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in Burkina Faso. The study has been carried out by Olof Drakenberg at Göteborgs Miljövetenskapliga Centrum and David Nilsson from Hydropolis Consulting and Reseach. The full report can be downloaded on this link.
The report draws lessons on how human rights are currently reflected in the sector and how donors like Sida can strengthen a rights based approach. This study serves to improve the methodological approaches of Sida’s operations in water and sanitation and hygiene, and also as an input to the strategic development of the Swedish bilateral involvement in Burkina Faso.
The report is available in English and French, as well as a two-page brief in English.